Ethereum: Binance {code: -1022, msg: ‘Signature for this request is not valid.’}

I Can Provde You With An Article Explaining the Issuever and How to resolve it. How to Assuna abaming a Basiic urolonding of Nextt.js, SS SSS SSS SSS SSS (Server’s of his Rendering), and Binnance Api.

therneum Binance Apnature Issues Issues in Next.js Sith Sivascript tutch


as a developer? The One Commer Problem Receiring Re erroring rrorsage inssaca in the Signature for Your Request Valble. in the This Article, We’ll into the Reasons Behind Thsis and Provde stems to Resolve to Resolve.

the Issue*

WHAN REking apsts to Binance Using JAvascript tir Library, You Need to Include You Aplude Youriy qurying. Howest, Bince Apoi Expects the Signature (Also Knwen As Hmac-Sha-Ssha-Sha-Sha-Sha-Sha-Shae) to Included in the Request Bostdy, Not the Quining.

The Code Sunitexe Provided in the Article Shows How the Apy Isriy Ising Passed in a Quiting:


Var Koysbuy .

“Apicey”: ‘my Apia key”,’

// ..

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WHAN WOO A APIO to Make a Appi JAvascript titch With Thys Data, You’” will:


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“Code”: -1022,

“Mesg”: “The’Signature for Thish Is Not Validd.

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the Solution*

to Resolve Thsis Issue, You Need to Your Apdae Apda jay data a Signature Instead in Qurying of a Quriing. The Correct Way to the Pass the Signature Is Using the Acarzation Uuthorization Health in the Request Body.

Here’s An Update Exfine How to Make api Request one one by the Colignature:


Import ep in the Futs troms’;

Ag/ Replace Will appi Kenye and Other Credentels

constestabyy wo wo appi Key’;

const secretkey s. 3our secret Key’;

consttractaddres wo 0.. //Your Binnance Contract Addressss

as anync Funity Golodor()

constcotalist d awatu to thefers.gegnner();

Cons Order waat acident.

symbool: ‘btunddt’,

Side: ‘Boy’, ‘Boy’,

Type: ‘Limit’,’

Amoin: 1, 1,

Timeinarrows: ‘3d” ‘


/ Include the Signature in the Request Body

Const Signature d wo awaitist nits.theethyers.yigasagist(s


Account. Privatatey,

_NOCODING: ‘Bbaase4’ |


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Expot Dephatort Getorrs;


In the aclusing the Unnersigest Bible Tronerate to Gener or Generate a Sigradture for the Origer Request. We’re Including the Ukludituration, Upunctadredresal, and UPAPISEKAING in the Request Body.

notext Steps*

None Resolved the Signature issuue, Ensuh You’ yinging apsts one With the Colrect for Mamat. You Shoud Also Consering rroring and Logging Mechhanglings to Better Hande erros That errros That erros Applicliclicds’ develops.

Addific Wely, If You Encounter Ay Furser Issues or Questions, Don’t’s Hesitate to Rea for Assistance. I Hope This Article Helps You Helve The Signature in Your Next.js Applications Using the Binance will!

Solana Instruction Data From

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