Checking proxy contracts at Polygon amoy testnet with hardhat
As a developer who works with Ethereum, you have probably found the challenges of testing proxy contracts at Polygon Amoy Testnet. In this article, we will explore how to check a proxy contract using Hardhat and Etherscan.
Why are proxy contracts in amoy important?
Proxy contracts are essential for testing decentralized applications that depend on Proxy services as Virtual Cars Ethereum (EVM). At Amoy Testnet, these power of attorney contracts help developers to model the real world scenarios to identify and correct problems before implementing Mainnet.
Solving Proxy contract problems
When you run the “checked” commands with Hardhat and Etherscan, you can find errors like the ones below:
- “Call of the Etherscan Api failed with 404 …”
- “Proxy contract was not found on the test”
Let’s throw ourselves in the way of solving these problems.
Step 1: Update -va ETHERSCAN account
Make sure your ETHERSCAN account is up to date with the latest settings. This includes updating URL and API of the account.
Step 2: Check the Polygon Amoy Teston Poor Contract with Hardhat
To check a proxy contract using hardhat, follow these steps:
Install the necessary packages
Add the following packages to your Hardhat.config.js
Module.exports = {
// … other settings …
Networks: {
Amoy: {
Supplier: ‘
Network_id: 1, // polygon amoy testnet
Proxy: {
CONTRACTS: [‘The Way/To/Proxy-Contract.Sol’],
Replaceyour_project_idwith your real project ID.
Check the proxy contract
Create a new file calledtests/contract.jsand add the following code:
Constei ethers = requires (‘éters’);
const {verification} = requires (‘@hardhat-dev/verification’);
Const proxyaddress = ‘0x … proxiciDdress …’; // replace with the proxy contract address
Contract account = New Ethers.Cotract (proxyaddress, contractpath, supplier);
// Define a test feature to run on the test
ASYNCRONOUS () function test {
to try {
wait for contract.Test ();
console.log (‘Proxy contract successfully checked!’);
} Catch (error) {
console.error (error);
Replace0x … proxycontrtRctdresns …by your proxy contract address.
Rolls your order check
Run the following order to check the power of attorney:
This will perform the Testing feature in Polygon Amoy Testnet and will return any errors that have taken place during the verification.
Step 3: Check the ETHERSCAN's API status
After you have checked the power of attorney, check the ETHERSCAN's API status to make sure it works correctly:
Replacewith your verified transaction ID. If you find problems or errors, see [API Etherscan documentation] ( for more information.
As a result of these steps, you will be able to successfully check a proxy contract at Polygon Amoy Teston with Hardhat and Etherscan.
additional tips
- Make sure your Ethereum network is updated to the latest version.
- Make sure your testnet account has enough balance to perform transactions.
- Consider the use of a testing structure such ashardhat-test to get more comprehensive test scenarios.