Ethereum: Deduct fee from transaction amount

Ethereum: Decrypting Transaction Amount with Fees

There is one common challenge when using the “sendtoaddress” API call in Ethereum to perform transactions. The problem is that you do not specify the full transaction amount, which includes the fees associated with sending coins from your wallet to the recipient’s address.

In this article, we will explore how to calculate and deduct fees from a transaction amount using Ethereum’s native APIs.

Understanding Transaction Types

Before diving into tax deductions, it is important to understand the different types of Ethereum transactions. There are two main types of transactions:

  • Basic Payment Transaction (BPT)

    : This is a type of transaction where a specific amount of coins is sent from one wallet address to another.

  • Send to Address Transaction: This type of transaction allows you to send coins from your wallet to the recipient’s Ethereum address.

Calculating the transaction amount

To calculate the transaction amount, including fees, you can use the following formula:

transaction_amount = base_payment_amount + (base_payment_amount * fee_per_bpt)

wherebase_payment_amount'' is the amount of coins being sent, andfee_per_bpt'' is the fee charged for the base payment transaction.

Example: Calculating the transaction amount

Let's say you want to send 10 BTC from your wallet to a recipient address using thesendtoaddress'' API call. Assuming that the base payment amount is 100 USD (BTC) and the fee per BPT is 1%, we can calculate the transaction amount as follows:

base_payment_amount = 100 USD''.

fee_per_bpt = 0.01''.

transaction_amount = principal_payment_amount + (principal_payment_amount * fee_per_bpt)

“= $100 + ($100 x 0.01)”.

“= $110”.

In this example, the total transaction amount would be $110.

Tax Deduction Using the Sendtoaddress API Call

Now that you have the calculated transaction amount, including taxes, you can pass it to the sendtoaddress API call, along with your wallet address and the recipient’s Ethereum address.

Here’s an updated version of the code snippet:

const web3 = require('web3');

const ethers = require('ethers');

// Set your wallet address and the recipient's Ethereum address

const fromAddress = '0xYourWalletAddress';

const toAddress = '0xRecipientEthereumAddress';

// Calculate the transaction amount, including fees

const basicPaymentAmount = 100; // BTC

const feePerBpt = 1;

const transactionAmount = basicPaymentAmount + (basicPaymentAmount * feePerBpt);

// Create a new Ethereum wallet object

const web3Instance = new web3.providers.HttpProvider('

// Get the current wallet balance

const fromBalance = await web3Instance.eth.getBalance(fromAddress);

const toBalance = await web3Instance.eth.getBalance(toAddress);

// Calculate the transaction amount, including fees

const gasPrice = 1000; // Gas units (approximate)

const transactionFee = 10; // Ether per gas unit

// Create a new transaction object

const tx = {

from: fromAddress,

to: toAddress,

value: fromBalance * basicPaymentAmount,

gas: gas price,

gasPrice: web3Instance.eth.gasPrice,

nonce: web3Instance.eth.getTransactionCount(fromAddress),



// Update the transaction with fees

const updatedTx = await web3Instance.eth.sendTransaction(tx, {

feesincluded: true,


In this example, we calculate the transaction amount, including fees, and pass it to the `sendtoaddressAPI call, along with your wallet address and the recipient's Ethereum address. Note that you will need to replaceyour-infura-project-id` with your actual Infura project ID.

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