Analyzing The Technical Indicators For Trading Stellar (XLM)

Analysis of technical indicators for star negotiation (XLM)

Stellar (XLM) is a decentralized open source blockchain network that allows fast and cheap transfronights. As one of the largest players in the digital asset market, the star price has been volatile lately. This article will analyze technical indicators to help traders make informed decisions when buying or selling Stellar (XLM).


Stellar is a point -to -point blockchain network that allows fast and cheap transfronhetic payment. The network is based on XLM cryptocurrency and uses a consensus evidence mechanism, unlike the work evidence mechanism used by many other major cryptocurrencies. Stellar’s price was influenced by several factors, including market feelings, economic indicators and regulatory changes.

Technical Indicators

The following technical indicators were analyzed to provide information on the future management of XLM:

  • Relative Resistance Index (RSI) : RSI measures the magnitude of recent price changes to determine excessive or occurrence conditions. An RSI value greater than 70 indicates an occurrence condition, while a value of less than 30 indicates an excessive condition.

  • Bollinger Strips: Bollinger bands measure volatility and provide an indicator of the force of a trend. The upper strip represents the moving average with a longer period (20), while the lower band represents the moving average with a shorter period (50).

  • Divergence of Mobile Average Convergence (MACD) : MACD measures the difference between two moving averages, providing an overview of the relationship between price and moment.

  • Stock Oscillator

    : The stochastic oscillator measures the percentage of time, as the price of the fence is higher or lower than a 20 -day moving average, offering an idea of ​​excess affection or occurrence.


The RSI chart showed that XLM recently entered the occurrence territory (50), indicating possible purchase opportunities. However, the RSI of 14 periods was still greater than 70, suggesting a certain short -term resistance.


RSI: 46

Bollinger Bands: 10-20 and 50

MACD: -2.5

Stock oscillator: 80%


Bollinger bands have shown a strong upward trend, indicating that the price of XLM is ready for new gains. The upper strip (20) was 1021, while the lower band (50) was 970.


Bollinger Bands:

Upper strip: 10-20 and 50

Lower range: 100

MACD: -2.5

Stock oscillator: 80%


The MACD chart showed a haussier signal, indicating that the price of XLM should continue up. However, the 26 period MACD line was still below zero, suggesting some short -term sales pressure.



Signal line (s): -2

Crossing: False

Stock oscillator: 80%

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Based on these technical indicators, traders can expect the price of XLM to increase. The RSI chart showed that the XLM is taking place and that Bollinger bands indicated a strong upward trend. However, some sales pressure may be present in the short term.

Traders can use this analysis to clarify their negotiation decisions, in particular the purchase or sale of XLM. As always, it is essential to approve financial research and consulting before making investment decisions.


Based on these technical indicators, traders may consider the following:

  • Buy xlm when the RSI of 14 periods is less than 70

  • Sale XLM when the MACD intersection indicates a price increase

  • Take xlm during occurrence conditions (RSI value below 30)

Do not forget to always give priority to research in depth and consult a financial consultant before making investment decisions.

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