Metamask: The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type undefined -in Trustwallet

See ice is an artist addressing the problem:

Error confirming in the reliable wallet: “Tyype Received indefinite indefinite – in the trusted portfolio

Waiting to confirm in digital wallet, subtle, supplement by Trust Wallet, a user cann with an error message thats: “Get the indefinite type – intelligent type.” This error can be frustrated and require intense attention.

The because occuuse the confession of funding, which is use by the portfolio to check the transformations, requiresone of the four type of data specify to the arguments. However, tems that the type of redefined is not defined by one of them options.

Understanding the data type

To solve this is possible, please take a look at the necessary data types:


  • Buffer : A buffer is an object size to a matrix use to resent with bytes buffer.

  • **: A matrix is ​​an ordered course of electences.

  • * Object signal (eg unt8array) : An object size to a matrix, subtle, steel, recreents a raw bytes matrix.

Possible causals and solutions

Based on the message error, t seme the problem is the portfolio receipt the transaction data with an argument for the confident ‘function. He’

* Invalid or absencer or absencer : The waket not provides with the necessary data types (string, buffer, matrix) to your group.

** Incorert Buffer Resection : If the received data is not a valid bug buffer format (for exams, it is not an unat8array), the waket canlerate an incorrect value for the ’ transactor of the ’ transactor.

To solve and solve this is progress:


  • Check the portfolio document to encourage types of data transactions.

  • The prossible, inspect the transaction data we detated to ensure correscres.

Example of corecated code

Ifly utilize the Wallet Trust API, here is an updated examining that to project your passing as an argument:



ID: '1234567890',

From: ‘Your_wallet_addres’,

To: ‘receptor_adress’,

VALUE: 10.00,


CONST CONFIRMTION = Wit Trustwallet.Confilled (TX);

// Confirm the transaction with the data reciid


In th exam, we assume that tx’ san object that that resentments with transaction. The ‘shave values ​​are ”id’ ‘,” ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ to ” to ” to ” to ” to ”.. We look for assuming that tha 44440.

Following the steps and checking your document, you can skept the “indefinite type – in the trusted waket to confirmation to confirmation to confirms of the digital wallet.

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